How Sequelize Serializes Objects

How Sequelize class instances get serialized in Express

A Timer class to profile methods in Node JS

Using a simple Timer class to figure out how long a method takes to finish.

$onChanges & Deep Watches

Understanding the limitations of $onChanges

The Stupid Reason Why PhantomJS Isn't Running On Your Heroku Project

It's the buildpacks.

Angular $httpBackend Testing Gotchas

Account for all $http methods when unit testing

Angular and SEO - What Worked (Pt. 3)

Just use

Angular and SEO - What Didn't Work (Pt. 2)

Use your web server to detect crawler and serve up static pages.

Angular and SEO - What Didn't Work (Pt. I)

As of May 2014, Googlebot said it executes javascript but is it actually indexing single page apps?

Gulp - Getting the return value from one task to another

Solution when a Gulp pipe needs to resolve syncronously with data from a preceeding pipe

Gulp - Fix to socket hang up using httpProxy

Fix to Gulp crashing when using httpProxy

SublimeText - Conditionally Removing Trailing Spaces

A fix so Sublime does not remove trailing white spaces in your templating engine.

Naming Conventions and Folder Structure in an AngularJS App

Proposal for naming files and folder structure in a large Angular app.

Maintainble Angular - Structuring Controllers

Proposal on separating code within Angular controllers.