Michael Cranston

A Timer class to profile methods in Node JS

A simple node Timer class so you can easily tell how long it takes for a method to complete:

// timer.js
function Timer() {
  this.startTime = [];

Timer.prototype.start = function() {
  console.log('Starting timer ...');
  this.startTime = process.hrtime();

Timer.prototype.finish = function() {
  const hrtime = process.hrtime(this.startTime);
  const seconds = (hrtime[0] + hrtime[1] / 1e9).toFixed(3);
  console.log('Finished in ' + seconds + 's');

module.exports = Timer;


// app.js
const Timer = require('./Timer');

function myMethod() {
  const timer = new Timer();

  setTimeout(function() {
    timer.finish(); // logs "Finished in 3.506s"
  }, 3500);

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